A. dead
B. deadly
C. fatal
D. mortal
A. 第5
B. 第6
C. 第7
D. 第8
A. 基本建设单位和从事建筑安装业务的企业附设工厂、车间牛产的水泥预制构件,凡用于本单位或本单位的建筑工程的,均应视同对外销售,在移送使用环节征收增值税
B. 增值税纳税人收取的会员费收入,应缴纳增值税
C. 建筑车装企业采用包工包料形式提供建筑劳务时,从建设单位收取的工程价款中的材料价款,属于向建设单位销售建筑材料,应缴纳增值税
D. 国家行政管理部门行使其管理职能,发放的执照、牌照和有关证书等取得的工本费收入,不征收增值税
A. who
B. which one
C. wherever
D. how
Section A
Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.
A. I don't like teaching.
B. I will do it.
C. I'm a doctor.
D. I'm fine.