?Write an answer to one of the questions 2-4 in this part.
?Write 200-250 words on the answer paper.
?Write the question number in this box at the top of the answer paper.
1. Question 2
?Your company owns a large office building. A recent statistics show eight companies withdrew from your office building last year and five more have made the same application this month. Your Director has asked you to write a report about the situation together with two possible solutions.
?Write a report to your director, including the following information:
&8226;masons why your tenants withdrew
?two solutions that may be practical
?possible results from the solutions.
2. Question 3
?Your General Manager has known from an advertisement that Citizen Brand Quartz is looking for sales agents throughout China. He has asked you to write a letter to the company, asking to act as a sales agent.
?Write the letter, including the following details:
?your past experience and proficiency
?the potential market for the product concerned
?reference to the general information regarding yoUr credit and integrity.
3. Question 4
?Recently your payments have always been delayed by your customers. The Financial Director of the company you work for has asked you to write a proposal suggesting ways to ensure timely payment of your sales.
?Write your proposal for the financial director, including the following information:
?a brief description of the present situation
?masons of delaying payment by customers
?measures to ensure timely payment
?any disadvantages there might be.