胡老师抱怨她班上的学生:“当他们违反纪律时,我对他们大喊大叫,但他们却越来越不像话!”对学生这种不良行为的增加可以用行为主义的( )理论观点来加以解释。
A. 正强化
B. 负强化
C. 给予惩罚
D. 消退
A. 1970
B. 1971
C. 1972
A. 正确
B. 错误
In form-based authentication, what must be included in the HTML returned from the URL specified by the element?()
A. a base-64 encoded user name and password
B. a form that POSTs to the j_security_check URL
C. an applet that requests the user name and password from the user
D. a hidden field that supplies the login-constraint used by the applicatio
A. 正确
B. 错误