A. ①②③⑤
B. ①③④⑤
C. ②③④
D. ①②③④
A. 链状沟通
B. 轮状沟通
C. 小道消息
D. 团体决策
A. 员工借用惠农卡,套取农户贷款资金
B. 客户信贷资金间接进入员工控制的其他账户
C. 员工自批自贷农户贷款
D. 员工违规为本人办理个人自助循环贷款或违规发放个人贷款
When you use Microsoft Windows Media Player to begin playback of a music file, you receive the following error message: "You do not have the rights to play this file." You need to configure Windows Media Player to ensure playback of protected digital media. What should you do? ()
A. Disable the Set clock on devices automatically option.
B. Enable the Automatically check if protected files need to be refreshed option.
C. Enable the Update music files by retrieving media info from the Internet option.
D. Enable the Download usage rights automatically when I play or sync a file option.