
稳压二极管动态电阻越小,稳压性能( )。

A. 越差
B. 越好
C. 与动态电阻无关


Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words below.heavilyterrifylengthyflawleanbump1 Whenever she was tired, she would support herself against the table and look outside the window.2 These students depended to a large degree on their teachers for advice.3 Whenever I thought of leaving home for college, I felt frightened and excited at the same time.4 Excited at the news, she jumped up and hit her head against the bed.5 Our first tour on campus was a long and frankly dull experience.6 My teacher pointed out several mistakes that might have led to the failure of my essay.

Complete the sentences by choosing suitable expressions in brackets.1 Do you want to eat at the school canteen or ___________ (order in / in order for) a pizza?2 __________________ (Once in a while / For a moment or two) he hesitated, embarrassed and seemingly at a loss for words. Then he answered the question in a low voice.3 If he goes on like this at college, he’ll never ____________ (turn out to / amount to) anything.4 Tom is scared that they are going to laugh at him, ___________ (or worse / or better), isolate him.5 She just now ______________ (bumped into / came up) one of her high school classmates on campus.6 It’s OK to take good memories from high school with you to college, but make sure not to ______________ (catch up in / get caught up in) them.7 Change can cause harm, particularly if we are not prepared to______________ (adjust to / account for) it.8 Both teachers and students have powerful reasons to ___________ (hold up / hold fast to) their traditional positions.

Choose the proper definitions for the underlined expressions.

在讨论汽车电气系统的特点时,技师甲说:负极搭铁能减少蓄电池电缆铜端子在车架车身连接处的电化学腐蚀,因此汽车多采用负极搭铁。技师乙说:汽车车架是钢铁产品,它的导电性比铜差, 因此不能用作导线。谁正确?

A. 技师甲对
B. 技师乙对
C. 都对
D. 都错
