( )时效是指通过机械振动的方式来消除、降低或均匀工件内残余应力的工艺。
A. 自然时效
B. 振动时效
C. 变形时效
D. 热时效
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
Hot potato in the sentence the issue has become a political hot potato is equivalent to Chinese ____________________.
A. 烫手红薯
B. 烫手山芋
C. 烫手地瓜
D. 烫手马铃薯
China has been an agricultural country and farming has been its way of life for thousands of years. Land plays a very important role in their life. The long-term experience of this aspect can be well reflected in the following idiom _____________.
A. 卧薪尝胆
B. 破釜沉舟
C. 挥金如土
D. 一箭双雕