Once you make a decision, you must justify it to others.For cxample, if you decide to stop going to school, you must explain why.To justify means to explain________.
A. what you are doing next
B. the reasons for something
C. what something means
The teacher wanted her students to be kind to each other. She taught them to always follow this principle.A principle is an idea that_____________.
A. makes you behave one way
B. is the most popular
C. makes a lot of money
It is important to respect other people's beliefs. For example, if your friend is a vegetarian, you should not serve him meat for dinner.To respect someone's beliefs means____________.
A. to ignore your own beliefs
B. to try to change that person's opinion
C. to not go against that person's wishes
I believe in the right of free speech. I think everyone should be able to say what he or she wants.A right is something that_______________ .
A. everyone wants to do
B. no one should do
C. everyone is allowed to do
[音频]Use your notes to complete the statements below.According to the principle of individual rights, you have the right to__________.
A. do what is best for yourself
B. make other people do things
C. make your own decisions