
The season finale of top-rated prime-time drama "ER" last week centred on the show's doctors and nurses struggling to save several bloodied young gunshot victims after an angry father goes on a rampage at a foster care facility.
A night earlier, "Law & Order" drew the highest ratings of it 11-year history with a ripped-from-the-leadlines episode about a high school cafeteria shooting and the trial of the teenage gunman, with faux home video footage of the killings.
And this Monday, a third NBC drama, "Third watch," wrapped its second season with police and paramedics rushing to the scene of yet another fictional high school massacre.
Media experts chalk it all up to the fierce rivalry of the current ratings "sweeps, "combined with TV dramas' growing tendency to transform. news into fiction and the recent spate of real-life school violence making headlines.
For action and pathos, it is hard to beat the "ER" scene of emergency physicians scurrying to resuscitate a young girl lying limp on a hospital gallery, with sheets soaked in blood from a gunshot wound to her head ,before they finally, somberly, declare her death and snap off their rubber gloves.
"It's gripping and it's disturbing," "Robert Univer-sly's centre for the study of popular television, said. Television is kind of the way that the entire collective subconscious of our culture plays out these issues".
Joseph Turow, a communications professor at the University of Pennsylvania and author of several books on the mass media, said the line between reality and fiction has become increasingly blurred on network TV.
"Viewers see multiple versions of the same reality, first on news programmes, then on socalled news magazines and then on entertainment shows like ER' and Law & Order," he said. "Some studies suggest that after a while, people won't be able to tell where they've gotten their information from."
Dramatic TV portrayal of children as victims of violence ,neglect and abuse is nothing new. A famous episode of "Dragnet" in the 1960s depicted a couple who allowed their young child to drown in a bathtub while they were smoking; pot.
It has been nearly 20 years since the real-life abduction and murder of Florida boy Adamwalsh was dramatized on the NBC TV movie "Adam," helping to publicize a case that turned the issue of missing children into a national crisis.
Now, the horror of kids being gunned down in schools and day care centers is on the public's mind, the latest grist for networks trying to grab viewers with" unforgetable" episodes of their favorite shows. "We're a show that has a long history of looking at the crinlinal justice system as it occurs, ''said Barry Schindel, executive producer and head writer of "Law & Order. "" If we didn't do the show, people would be asking ,why aren't your characters considering the events of a school shooting'?"
The timing is hardly coincidence. Schindel said a flurry of school violence in southern California and elsewhere in early March caught the attention of "Law & Order" writes-- and probably those on other shows--at about the time they were brain storming ideas for the end of the current season.
Which programme is season finale top-rated prime-time drama?

A. You'll never forget .
C. Law & Order
D. Third Watch.


From: Keith Wilson
Date: Thursday, October 23
Subject: Mr. Charlie McGreger's resignation
Thank you all for a very productive meeting this morning. This message confirms our agreement on the main points of the media report Santos Ltd. will release to the press at 5 P.M. this afternoon.
The report will be brief and to the point. It will announce Mr. Charlie McGreger's resignation and the appointment of his replacement. There will be no references to Mr. Charlie McGreger's reasons for resigning his position. Mr. Charlie McGreger has asked us to respect his privacy and we intend to do that.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Keith Wilson
President, Santos, Ltd.
Change in Leadership at Santos, Ltd.
Press release
October 23, 17:00
Santos, Ltd. has just announced the resignation of its Chief Executive Officer Charlie McGreger, effective immediately.
Since taking over leadership of Santos, Ltd. 8 years ago, Mr. Charlie McGreger has built relationships with major film and broadcast studios, including its recent collaboration with Morin Film Works.
Mr. Norman Winter, Head of Human Resources Department at Santos, Ltd., said, "Mr. Charlie McGreger led our company through considerable progress. We owe a lot of business success to him. And we'll be forever grateful for his insight and initiatives."
Ms. Jackie Johnson, a Creative Director of Breaking Entertainment, will assume the position vacated by Mr. Charlie McGreger. Prior to Breaking Entertainment 5 years ago, Ms. Jackie Johnson worked at Grimm Brother' s marketing and advertising departments. After appointed to Santos, Ltd., she will focus on expanding television, radio and finance industries. A short biography of Ms. Jackie Johnson and a list of her professional achievements can be found at web site www.santos.com.
What is the main purpose of Mr. Keith Wilson' s e-mail?

A. To plan collaboration with film studios
B. To confirm details of an announcement
C. To gain employee feedback on a broad range of current issues
D. To announce new positions at the company

From: Sabrina Tan
Date: October 22
Subject: Your delivery service
Dear Julia Davis,
We have just received the inventory we were waiting for, and would like your company to deliver it to our retail outlets. The merchandise is still at our warehouse at the port, and if possible, we would like to have you deliver approximately 25 percent of it to our Prime Outlet on Wednesday.
I will wait for your reply before I give our warehouse the go-ahead.
Yours truly,
Sabrina Tan
Where is the merchandise that needs to be delivered?

At the port
B. At Julia Davis' warehouse
C. At the retail outlets
D. At the Prime Outlet

F: Yes, this is Isabel Hawkins from R & D. Can I speak to Dorothy Borrow, please?
M: I am afraid she is out at the moment. I am the secretary, Francis Gregory. Can I take a message?
F: Yeah, ask her to call me back this afternoon. My number is 345 -517 -7563. Thank you.
M: You are welcome.
•For questions 1 -8 you will hear eight short recordings.
•For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.
•You will hear the eight recordings twice.
Who is asked to call back?

A. Dorothy Borrow
B. Francis Gregory
C. Isabel Hawkins

•For each question 13--18, mark one letter (A, B, C, or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.
Flea Market Shopping Can Be Satisfying
Whether in London, Paris or at a rural antique fair, an addictive adrenaline surge is triggered when I discover an architectural fragment I know can be converted into a headboard, or when I come across an old sea chest that, with some paint and polish, can be made to work as a coffee table. In truth it took quite a while, but I finally learned to practice self-discipline when browsing at flea markets. It's that time again, sunny days are upon us, and flea market and antiques sales wait. Old pieces with great potential abound--all you have to do is to spot them. But wait a moment, I just got something to tell you before you plunge into it. That will help make your hunt more fruitful. Believe it or not, you'll definitely be inspired.
Keep an open mind. You may not come away with the things that were on your list, but that's the beauty of the hunt. you never know what you'll find. If you didn't find a particular item this week, don't despair--chances are you'll find it next time. Know when to walk away. Sometimes playing the cool, uninterested browser will get you a better deal on an item, but don't be too coy. If you see something you like, buy it--there may not be a second chance on a one-of-a-kind find.
Know how to negotiate. Although haggling over a price is part of the experience, an offer that's too low is insulting. Vendors will often lower the marked price by about 10 percent. Buying several items from one vendor and giving them regular business will get you a better deal.
Know who to buy from. This is a well-kept secret among flea-market gurus. You're more likely to get a deal on items that aren't part of a vendor's regular supply. Vendors sometimes pick up odd items to add to the mix and may be more willing to part with them for less money.
Have cash on hand. Cash is always the most powerful negotiating tool and best method of payment. Most vendors won't accept checks or credit cards. Small bills make it easier when you're haggling a sale. Markets in rural areas have ATM machines nearby, but field markets usually don't. Be aware that prices often prove more negotiable when vendors learn you'll be paying with cash rather than with a credit card.
Anyway, a flea market is an interesting place to visit if you want to buy something or if you want to buy nothing. It consists of an open space filled with individual vendors selling used or almost new merchandise, as well as produce, paintings and crafts.
Approach your acquaintances or public library for the location of the nearest flea market and for the days and hours it is open. Don't be surprised if you find the very thing you have been looking for] You may wish to set up your own table at the flea market if you would like to sell toys, books and items that you no longer use. It will be another kind of pleasure. Now it's your turn to go and find out.
What does "potential" mean in the sentence "Old pieces with great potential abound... "? (Para 1)

A. The new uses to which old pieces will be put.
B. The old pieces which need finding out very carefully.
C. The gurus that are more likely to find out old pieces.
D. The interesting objects that are stowed away.
