陈海为某房地产公司的驾驶员,考虑到陈海驾驶的车辆价格昂贵,因此在争得陈海本人的同意后,公司与陈海及陈海的父母签订了一份保证协议。 保证协议与陈海的劳动合同期限相同,协议中约定,如果因为陈海本人的原因造成的车辆损失(经交通部门鉴定),在扣除保险公司承担的部分后,其余损失将由陈海本人及其保证人承担。 在2012年1月,陈海在未经公司允许的情况下,用公司车辆私自接送女友,由于驾驶不慎,导致车辆毁损。事故发生后,陈海没有将事实告知公司,谎称是停在车库中被其他车辆撞伤。 经过公司调查和交通部门的认定,陈海及其保证人赔偿车辆的维修费用18756.23元。陈海不服向劳动部门提起仲裁。 陈海应该对公司进行赔偿吗?为什么?
Certkiller .com boosts a two-node Network Load Balancing cluster which is called web. CK1 .com. The purpose of this cluster is to provide load balancing and high availability of the intranet website only. With monitoring the cluster, you discover that the users can view the Network Load Balancing cluster in their Network Neighborhood and they can use it to connect to various services by using the name web. CK1 .com. You also discover that there is only one port rule configured for Network Load Balancing cluster. You have to configure web. CK1 .com NLB cluster to accept HTTP traffic only. Which two actions should you perform to achieve this objective()
A. Create a new rule for TCP port 80 by using the Network Load Balancing Cluster console
B. Run the wlbs disable command on the cluster nodes
C. Assign a unique port rule for NLB cluster by using the NLB Cluster console
Delete the default port rules through Network Load Balancing Cluster console
A. 正确
B. 错误
A. 基准工具
B. 绘画工具
C. 辅助工具
D. 其他工具