
&8226;Look at the statements below and read the five short passages about taxes.
&8226;Which short passage (A, B, C, D or E) does each statement 1-8 refer to?
&8226;For each statement 1-8, mark one letter (A, B, C, D or E) on your Answer Sheet.
&8226;You will need to use some of these letters more than once.
A Flat Tax
Income tax is a direct tax which is levied on the income of private individuals. There are various income tax systems that exist, ranging from a flat tax to an extensive progressive tax system.
A flat tax, also called a proportional tax is a system that taxes. Usually the flat tax is proposed to kick in at a certain income level, or to exempt income below that level, so that the lowest-income members of society pay no income tax.
Proposed flat taxes usually allow little or no exemption of earned income besides the bottom-level exemption.
Advocates of a flat tax claim that it will end unfair discrimination. They also argue that flat taxes are easier (and cheaper) to administer and comply with than complex, graduated taxes. Most political parties that advocate the introduction of a flat tax are on the right of the political spectrum.
B Progressive Tax
A progressive tax, or graduated tax, is a tax that is larger as a percentage of income for those with larger incomes. It is usually applied in reference to income taxes, where people with more income pay a higher percentage of it in taxes. The term progressive refers to the way the rate progresses from low to high.
C Regressive Tax
A regressive tax is a tax which takes a larger percentage of income from people whose income is low. A tax which places proportionately more of a burden on those with lower incomes. Regressive taxes, as opposed to progressive taxes, are more burdensome on lower-income individuals than on higher-income individuals and corporations.
D Tax Deduction
Within the United States' income tax system, a tax deduction, or "tax-deductible expense", is an item which is subtracted from gross income in order to arrive at the taxable income.
Effectively, the taxpayer pays no income tax on the amount of money he spent on tax-deductible expenses. For example, if an individual earns $50,000 in a year and gives $5,000 to tax-deductible charities, he will end up paying income tax as though he had earned only $45,000 that year. In this way, the federal and state governments encourage certain types of spending.
E Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion
Tax avoidance is the legal exploitation of the tax regime to one's own advantage, to attempt to reduce the amount of tax that is payable by means that are within the law whilst making a full disclosure of the material information to the tax authorities. Tax evasion, on the other hand, is a crime. Tax evasion usually entails taxpayers deliberately misrepresenting or concealing the true state of their affairs to the tax authorities to reduce their tax liability, and includes, in particular, dishonest tax reporting, such as under-declared incomes, profits or gains; or overstated deductions.
In the U. S. if you donate 10,000 dollars to some charity organization, you can take that sum away from your total income when you pay income tax.


After a sharp rise, there was almost no change in mobile phone sales for the rest of the period.

The basic mason for the existence of multi-national companies is the competitive advantage

What do scientists hope to do some day?

&8226;Read the article below about the study in career change.
&8226;In most of the lines 34-45 there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the meaning of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.
&8226;If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.
&8226;If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.
My research is an in-depth study of 39 people who changed them or were in the process of trying to change careers. Determining the magnitude of any.
34 work transition is very highly subjective. Who, apart from the person who has
35 lived life through it, can say whether a shift is radical or incremental? After
36 interviewing the dozens of people who were making very different kinds of
37 career moves, I settled on a three-part definition of career change. Some of
38 the people in my study made significant changes in the context where in
39 which they worked, most typically were jumping from large, established firms
40 to small, entrepreneurial organizations or to self-employment or between the
41 for-profit and nonprofit sectors. Others made major changes in the content of
42 the work, sometimes leaving behind occupations, such as medicine, law or
43 academia, that they had trained for themselves extensively. The majority made
44 significant changes in either both what they did and where they did it, but
45 most important, all had experienced a feeling of having reached a crossroad, one that would require psychological change.
