甲乙结婚后打算做生意,乙担心风险太大,与丈夫书面约定,甲的生意与家庭无关,家庭存款全部由乙掌管。 2012 年甲向朋友丙借了十万元做生意。甲的生意刚有起色便遭遇行情变化, 2013 年后甲的生意一直处于亏损状态。 2014 年,丙开始向甲催还借款,甲称自己无力偿还,丙要求甲乙共同偿还,甲拿出一纸约定证明自已的生意与妻子无关。丙索要借款无望起诉至法院,要求甲乙夫妻共同承担还款责任。根据上述案情,回答
A. The only thing I worry about is that we may lose opportunities. If we don seize them, they will slip through ’ t our fingers, time speeds by.
B. The only thing I worry about is that we may lose opportunities. Don ’ t seize them, they will slip through our fingers, because time speeds by.
C. The only thing I worry about is that we may lo se opportunities. If we don ’ t seize them, they will slip through our fingers. Now that time flies fast.
D. The only thing I worry about is that we may lose opportunities. If we don ’ t seize them, they will slip through our fingers as time speeds by.