
Which of the following is not the main classification of antiviral drugs for AIDS()

A. Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
B. Non nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
C. Interferon
D. Integrase chain transfer inhibitor


The classification of chronic hepatitis B virus infection does not include any of the following()

A. Hepatitis B virus carriers
B. Chronic hepatitis B
C. Hepatitis B related liver cancer
D. Hepatitis B cirrhosis

Which of the following is not a staging of clinical manifestations of AIDS()

A. Chronic carrier period
B. AIDS stage
C. acute stage
D. Asymptomatic period

The routes of transmission of hepatitis C include()

A. Blood‍
B. Intravenous drug use
C. Sexual transmission and mother-to-child transmission‍
D. Above all

At present, the diagnosis method of HCV infection is mainly()

Anti-hcv antibody in serum was detected
Blood was taken for viral cell culture
C. HCV RNA was detected in the blood
D. The HCV granules in blood were observed by electron microscope
