
Which of the following is not a common exposure routes for humans to take in nanoparticles and other nanomaterials?

A. via air
B. via water
C. via diet
D. via sexual contact


Zinc oxide is used to produce ______________.

A. shampoo
B. sunscreen
C. food
D. weapon


A. thedefinitionofnanotechnology
B. concerningthescientificconsequencesofnanotechnology
C. concerningitsbearingoncultural,social,economic,environmentalandpoliticalmatters
D. safetyconcerns

Nanomaterialsare at nanoscale, characterizedwith:

A. arelativelylargersurfacearea
B. quantum effect, quantum size effect, quantum tunneling effect, small size effect
C. flexibledimensions
D. easytodegrade

Based on the synthesis process and path, there are 4mainapproaches used innanotechnology. They are:

A. bottom-upapproach
B. top-downapproach
C. functionalapproach
D. biomimeticapproach
