This is why managers in a construction firm for example get paid astronomically higher wages than the labourersFirm means the same as in sentence .
A. a.The firm has agreed to make a donation of S10 , 000.
B. b.Despite being hit by the car , the post was still firm.
C. c.Our room is very clean , and the beds are very firm.
The management get transported from their air-conditioned homes to their air-conditioned cars into their air-conditioned offices with fat pay cheques and allowances.Allowance means the same as in sentence .
A. a.We permit a total baggage allowance of 23 kg per person
B. b.The plan makes no allowance for bad weather
C. c.Employees get an allowance for clothing , but there is no dress requirement
Have you finished the balance sheets yet ?Balance means the same as in sentence .
A. a.We should find a balance between work and our personal lives .
B. b.My bank balance is always low at the end of the month .
C. c.I had to really try to keep my balance on the crowded train
① Which of the following statements does the author support?
A. a. Hard work pays.
B. b Smart people don 't work hard.
C. c. Smart pcople contribute more of their life to work.
②What's the main dffrence between a labourer' s work and a manager'swork?
A. a. Labourers work outdoors and managers work indoors.
B. b. Labourers work with their body and managers work with theiri brain.
C. c.Labourers work in groups and managers work individually.