
What does Dr. Peedell think about the chain hospitals?

A. The mergers of the hospital will be a foreseeable triumph for the NHS.
B. The evidence from America shows the promising future for the chain hospital.
C. The care in the chain hospitals may be improved with the mergers in the NHS.
D. The success of the chain hospitals in the NHS may be uncertain.


What can we infer from the third paragraph?

A. The economic factor and medical environment make the chain hospital feasible.
B. Standalone hospitals are no longer supported by the government for political reasons.
Chain hospitals used to be common in the history of many other countries.
D. The response to the chain hospitals is not right at the time.

Which of the following is true according to the fourth paragraph?

A. The NHS will take over smaller district hospitals to improve service.
B. Hospitals will still have their features after the reforming of chain.
C. The hospitals in the red can provide high-class care.
D. High-performing hospitals are struggling to retain their identities.

Why has the NHS approved of the creation of chains of hospitals?

A. To address the serious economic setbacks facing the hospital.
B. To improve the medical facilities of the chains of hospitals.
C. To help more patients receive care from respected institutions.
D. To provide specialist services for more hospitals to help patients.

What is the publics concern about this dramatic step in the radical reform?

A. The disappearance of some highly treasured small-sized medical institutions.
B. The pressure caused by the growing and ageing population.
C. The acquisition of chain hospitals threatening the treatment of some conditions.
D. The tight budgets brought by some long-term conditions such as dementia.
