Going back in time to【6】roots doesn't help. First came the Celts, then the Romans, then Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes. Invasion after invasion, until the Norman Conquest. English national identity only seemed to find its【7】later, on the shifting sands of expansionism, from Elizabethan times onwards. The empire seemed to seal it. But now there's just England,【8】of a green island in the northern seas, lashed by rain, scarred by two【9】of vicious industrialization fallen【10】dereliction, ruined, as D.H. Lawrence thought, by "the tragedy of ugliness," its abominable architecture.
Of all English institutions, the one to【11】on would surely be the pub. Shelter to Chaucer's pilgrims, home to Falstaff and Hal, throne of felicity to Dr. Johnson, the pub- that smoky, yeasty den of jollity-is the womb of【12】, if anywhere is. Yet in the midst of this national【13】crisis, the pub, the mainstay of English life, a staff driven【14】into the sump of history,【15】as the Saxons, is suddenly dying and evolving at【16】rates. Closing at something like a rate of more than three a day, pubs have become【17】enough that for the first time since the Domesday Book, more than half the villages in England no longer have one. It's a rare pub that still【18】, or even limps on, by being what it was【19】to be: a drinking establishment. The old【20】of a pub as a place for a "session," a lengthy, restful, increasingly tipsy evening of swigging, is all but defunct.
A. reeling
B. struggling
C. running
D. passing
A. 居住和工作布置在一起的一种居住区组织形式,可以由住宅与商业、文化、办公以及无污染工业等相结合
B. 伴随着解决城市问题而发展的,都被当作组成城市的基本单元,所强调的规划原则在西方国家也一直在实行,只是在不同经济体制、不同国情下的建设方式、空间形态等有所不同
C. 将居住建筑与配套服务设施组成一体的综合大楼或建筑组合体
D. 在小区理论与实践的基础上总结发展而来的
A. 在市辖区和不设区的市(包括不设区的地级市和县级市)中,街道办事处所辖的居民委员会地域,以及城市公共设施、居住设施等连接到的其他居民委员会地域和村民委员会地域
B. 在城区以外的镇和其他区域中,镇所辖的居民委员会地域,镇的公共设施、居住设施等连接到的村民委员会地域,常住人口在3000人以上独立的工矿区、开发区、科研单位、大专院校、农场、林场等特殊区域
C. 乡、民族乡人民政府驻地的村民委员会地域和乡所辖居民委员会地域
D. 农村村民居住和从事各种生产活动的区域,以及来划人城镇的农场、林场等区域.
A. 在小区理论与实践的基础上总结发展而来的
B. 按照居住区理论和原则,以人为核心,建设安全、卫生、舒适、方便、优美的居住环境
C. 在空间上也清晰地划分出居住区—小区—组团
D. 按照配套设施的服务半径和城市干路网的间距,综合确定居住小区的用地规模和人口规模,对应一定的人口规模配建一套生活服务设施,并通过减少城市交通穿越,保证日照、通风和一定绿地等措施,保证较好的居住环境