Methods of animal euthanasia include:
A. Intravenous anesthetics: barbiturates
B. Inhalants: isoflurane, sevoflurane, CO2, N2, CO
Cervical dislocation: breaking or fracturing of the neck
D. Intracardiac or intraperitoneal injection: pentobarbital
Reasons for animal euthanasia are:
A. Terminal illness, e.g. cancer or rabies
B. Illness or accident that is not terminal but would cause suffering for the animal to live with, or when the owner cannot afford, or when the owner has a moral objection to the treatment
C. A hunter's coup de grâce (mercy killing)
D. Behavioral problems (usually ones that cannot be corrected) e.g. aggression - Canines that have usually caused grievous bodily harm to either humans or other animals through mauling are usually seized and euthanized ('destroyed' in British legal terms)
A. Old age and deterioration leading to loss of major bodily functions, resulting in severe impairment of the quality of life
B. Lack of home or caretaker
C. Ahunter'scoupdegrâce(mercykilling)
D. Research and testing – in the course of scientific research or testing, animals may be euthanized in order to be dissected, to prevent suffering after testing, to prevent the spread of disease, or other reasons
The principles of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (8th Edition, 2011) are:
A. Consideration of alternatives (in vitro systems, computer simulations, and/or mathematical models) to reduce or replace the use of animals
B. Design and performance of procedures on the basis of relevance to human or animal health, advancement of knowledge, or the good of society
C. Use of appropriate species, quality, and number of animals
D. Avoidance or minimization of discomfort, distress, and pain
A. Use of appropriate sedation, analgesia, and anesthesia
B. Establishment of humane endpoints
C. Provision of adequate veterinary care
D. Provision of appropriate animal transportation and husbandry directed and performed by qualified persons