
The principles of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (8th Edition, 2011) are:

A. Consideration of alternatives (in vitro systems, computer simulations, and/or mathematical models) to reduce or replace the use of animals
B. Design and performance of procedures on the basis of relevance to human or animal health, advancement of knowledge, or the good of society
C. Use of appropriate species, quality, and number of animals
D. Avoidance or minimization of discomfort, distress, and pain



A. Use of appropriate sedation, analgesia, and anesthesia
B. Establishment of humane endpoints
C. Provision of adequate veterinary care
D. Provision of appropriate animal transportation and husbandry directed and performed by qualified persons

When the protocol of an animal study is reviewed by IACUC, the following items must be noted:

A. Rationale and purpose of the proposed use of animals
B. A clear and concise sequential description of the procedures involving the use of animals that is easily understood by all members of the committee
C. Availability or appropriateness of the use of less invasive procedures, other species, isolated organ preparation, cell or tissue culture, or computer simulation
D. Justification of the species and number of animals proposed; whenever possible, the number of animals and experimental group sizes should be statistically justified (e.g., provision of a power analysis)

WhentheprotocolofananimalstudyisreviewedbyIACUC,thefollowingitemsmustbe carefully checked:

A. Unnecessary duplication of experiments
B. Nonstandard housing and husbandry requirements
C. Impact of the proposed procedures on the animals' well-being
D. Appropriate sedation, analgesia, and anesthesia (indices of pain or invasiveness might aid in the preparation and review of protocols)


A. Conduct of surgical procedures, including multiple operative procedures
B. Postprocedural care and observation (e.g., Inclusion of post-treatment or postsurgical animal assessment forms)
C. Description and rationale for anticipated or selected endpoints
D. Criteria and process for timely intervention, removal of animals from a study, or euthanasia if painful or stressful outcomes are anticipated
