Spaghetti and macaroni belong to Italian food.
According to the video, there are nine famous cuisine in China.
A. 对
B. 错
If we cooked some vegetables too long and it is soft, but in an unpleasant way, we can say this dish is ..
A. crunchy
B. mushy
C. chewy
D. tender
The following descriptions about the dishes, which one is improper?
A. It's very delicious.
B. It's really awful.
C. It's definitely delicious.
D. The steak is rare.
TranslationTranslate the follow paragraph into English.苏州园林是中国古典园林最杰出的代表, 大部分为私家所有。苏州园林始于春秋,兴于宋元,盛于明清。清末苏州已有各色园林170余处,为其赢得了“园林之城”的称号。现保存完好的园林有60多处,对外开放的有十余处。其中沧浪亭、狮子林、拙政园和留园分别代表着宋、元、明、清四个朝代的艺术风格,被称为“苏州四大名园”。苏州园林宅园合一,可赏,可游,可居,其建筑规制反映了中国古代江南民间的生活方式和礼仪习俗。苏州园林不仅是历史文化的产物,同时也是中国传统思想文化的载体。1997年,苏州园林被联合国教科文组织列入“世界遗产名录”。