What does the author mean by saying "the 21st century equivalent of being caught naked"?
A. People"s personal information is easily accessed without their knowledge.
B. In the 21st century people try every means to look into others" secrets.
C. People tend to be more frank with each other in the information age.
D. Criminals are easily caught on the spot with advanced technology.
A. 服用时减少饮水量
B. 分次餐后服比空腹服用效果好
C. 可同时服用维生素D
D. 不能和绿叶蔬菜一起服
E. 补充足够富含维生素A和铁的食物
患者,女,33岁。因粘连性肠梗阻腹痛伴呕吐2天入院,测血钾为3 mmol/L,给予静脉补充钾盐。其护理哪项是错误的
A. 尿量20 ml/h开始补钾
B. 液体中氯化钾浓度0.25%
C. 滴速60滴/分
D. 当天补氯化钾3 g
E. 禁忌静脉推注
A. 观察腹痛的变化
B. 注意血尿情况
C. 绝对卧床至少2周
D. 监测血尿变化,颜色加深提示出血加重
E. 血尿消失,可下地活动
What does the word "concurrent"(Para. 3)most probably mean?
A. Following.
B. Subsequent.
C. Previous.
D. Simultaneous.