
下列哪药不属于H2受体阻断药:( )

A. 雷尼替丁
B. 哌仑西平
C. 西咪替丁
D. 尼扎替丁
E. 罗莎替丁


对高肾素型高血压病有特效的是( )

A. 卡托普利
B. 硝苯地平
C. 肼屈嗪
D. 尼群地平
E. 二氮嗪

In the 9th and 10th centuries, it was "prohibited" to decorate Christmas trees.

A. allowed
B. forbidden
C. adopted
D. suggested

A beautifully "decorated" tree in the living room creates a real Christmas feeling.

A. given mark of distinction
B. planted
C. painted
D. made beautiful with ornaments put on

Champagne is best served "chilled". Chill the bottle before use in the refrigerator and place in a wine cooler, with some water and ice cubes.

A. hot
B. warm
C. frozen
D. moderately cold
