Our company is a subsidiary of Cathy Business Machines Import & Export Corporation and we office supplies.All of the following can suitably complete this sentence EXCEPT:
A. deal in
B. specialize in
C. handle in
D. handle
Generally speaking, a growing demand can increased price.
A. result
B. result from
C. result for
D. result in
If a company wishes to enter the Chinese market, it usually looks for a local who will cooperate in setting up a joint venture.
A. man
B. talent
C. manager
D. partner
A. 函数的极限与函数值是一样的
B. 函数的极限与自变量的变化过程有密切关系
C. 分段函数的极限没有办法求出来
D. Y=2x-1的极限是4
A. 函数y=2x-1在x->1时的极限为1
B. 函数y=ln(x+1)在x->0时的极限为1
C. 函数y=e^x在x->0时的极限是e
D. 函数y=2x-1 (x<0)在x->1时的极限是1