The best title for the passage maybe ______.
A Special Electronic Display
B. John Rogers and His Colleagues' Invention
C. The Creation of the Electronic Paper
D. The Age of the Electronic Page
A. 癸公司对某项可能发生的担保损失于20×7年根据债务人的具体情况确认了预计负债1 000万元。20×8年6月法院做出终审判决,癸公司实际发生担保损失1 030万元。因此,癸公司于20×8年确认营业外支出30万元,注册会计师建议对此进行追溯调整
B. 20×8年12月31日,法院尚未对癸公司被起诉的一起合同纠纷案做出判决。基于合理的判断,癸公司胜诉的可能性为60%,但癸公司以法院尚未做出判决为由未做出任何处理。在20×9年2月(财务报表公布前)法院宣判癸公司败诉应赔偿原告损失500万元,对此,注册会计师建议癸公司调整20×8年度财务报表的相关项目
C. 20×9年1月癸公司被起诉侵权,20×9年2月法院宣判癸公司应赔偿原告1 000万元,对此,注册会计师建议癸公司调整20×8年度财务报表的相关项目
D. 20×8年11月法院判决癸公司败诉,要求其偿付某银行担保责任款300万元。癸公司于20×8年12月提起上诉,其律师认为上诉获胜的可能性很大,且截止20×8年度财务报表签署日法院尚未做出判决。对此,J注册会计师建议癸公司确认相关的预计负债
A.Because they thought he was still in China.B.Because they thought he was put into pr
A. Because they thought he was still in China.
Because they thought he was put into prison.
C. Because they thought he was working for the Chinese government.
D. Because they thought he had died.
A.Because the policeman stopped him.B.Because the driver charged too much.C.Because th
A. Because the policeman stopped him.
Because the driver charged too much.
C. Because the driver drove him to a wrong place.
D. Because he had been rubbed.
A.To cause the depression.B.To create fulfilled, creative adults.C.To create intellige
A. To cause the depression.
B. To create fulfilled, creative adults.
C. To create intelligent exam-takers.
D. To love conditionally on performance.