Donne was long grouped with Herbert, Vaughan, Crashaw, Marvell, Traherne, and Cowley under the heading of “_____poets.”
A. Metaphysical
B. physical
C. historical
D. satirical
Theological language abounds in ____'s love poetry, and daringly erotic images in his religious verse.
A. Christopher Marlowe
B. John Milton
C. William Shakespeare
D. John Donne
In 1638 Milton contributed the pastoral elegy____ to a Cambridge volume lamenting the untimely death of a college contemporary. This greatest of English funeral elegies explores Milton’s deep anxieties about poetry as a vocation, confronts the terrors of mortality in language of astonishing resonance and power.
A. “L’Allegro”
B. “Lycidas”
C. “Il Penseroso”
D. “On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity”
John Milton's ____offers a sweeping imaginative vision of Hell, Chaos, and Heaven; idyllic life in Eden; the power of the devil’s political rhetoric; the psychology of Satan, Adam, and Eve; and the high drama of the Fall and its aftermath.
A. “Lycidas”
B. Samson Agonistes
C. Paradise Regained
D. Paradise Lost