
Translate the following sentences from the text into Chinese.1. It was Lord Leverhulme, the British soap pioneer, who is said to have complained that he knew half of his advertising budget was wasted, but didn’t know which half.


2. The advertising industry is passing through one of the most disorienting periods in its history.

3. They range from public relations to direct mail and include consumer promotions (such as special offers), in-store displays, business-to-business promotions (like paying a retailer for shelf space), telemarketing, exhibitions, sponsoring events, product placements and more.

4. Is it more cost-effective, for instance, to use a public relations agency to invite a journalist out to lunch and persuade him to write about a product than to pay for a display ad in that journalist’s newspaper?

5. Some advertisers think it will be a highly cost-effective way of reaching certain groups of consumers. But not everyone uses the Internet, and nor is it seen as being particularly good at building brands.
