函数体由符号 [1] 开始,用符号 [2] 结束。函数体的前面是 [3] 部分,其后是 [4] 部分。
C语言中的标识符可分为 [1] 、 [2] 、和预定义标识符三类。
请指出以下C程序的错误所在#include stdio.hmain(); / * main function * /float r,s; /*/*r is radius*/,/*s is area of cicular*/*/r=5.0 ;s=3.14159*r*r;printf(“%f\n”,s)
Why did Richard start going to the gym?
A. He was too fat to fit into his clothes
B. His parents bought him membership in a gym
C. He wanted to build his muscles
Why did Penny want to lose weight?
A. She wanted to have a baby
B. She'd had two children and gained weight
C. Her children kept telling her she was fat