Thomas Sutpen is a character in William Faulkner s novel______.
Absalom, Absalom!
B. Light in August
C. Go Down, Mose.s
D. The Sound and the Fury
Which of the following is not a theme of The Sound and the Fury?
A. The decline of a family
B. The South vs. the North
C. The past vs. the present
D. racial problems
A. 表面有毛刺状突起
B. 常有粗糙感
C. 与烟酒刺激无关
D. 可伴溃疡形成
E. 白色斑块高出粘膜面
A. 属于均质型白斑
B. 属于非均质型白斑
C. 一般不伴溃疡
D. 甲苯胺蓝染色阴性
E. 很少伴白色念珠菌感染
The fictional place that bears marked similarities to the town where______had been raised
A. William Styron
B. Mark Twain
C. William Faulkner
D. John Barth