The monetary aggregates hierarchy of the IMF includes()
A. Broad money
B. Total liquidity
C. Narrow money
D. M1
E. M2
F. M3
The correct understanding of the monetary aggregates hierarchy in China is()
A. M0 = currency in circulation
B. M1 = M0 + Demand Deposit
C. M2 = M1 + Quasi money
D. Quasi money includes fixed deposits of enterprise,savings deposits,customer margin deposits of securities companies,other deposits
E. M0 = currency in circulation + demand deposit
In general, changes in the monetary aggregates hierarchy have the following()characteristics
As liquidity wanes, the inclusion of money widens
B. The faster the speed of financial product innovation, the more frequent the change of stratification
C. As liquidity wanes, the currency universe shrinks
D. The faster the speed of financial product innovation, the less the change of stratification
E. Financial products with the same name belong to the same money aggregates hierarchy in different countries
Fiat money includes()
A. Paper money
C. Deposit currency
D. Commodity money
E. Metallic money
The Bretton Woods system is characterized by()
A. Gold is pegged to the US dollar
B. a fixed exchange rate system
C. Gold as an international liquidity of last resort
D. Exchange rates fluctuate around gold parity
E. Diversification of exchange rate arrangements
F. The balance of payments has an automatic adjustment mechanism