

A. 个人与社会对立统一
B. 个人与社会的关系根本的是个人利益与社会利益的关系
C. 社会促进个人的发展
D. 人在推动社会进步的过程中,实现自我的发展。


Directions:Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text.( ) 1 I want to tell the freshmen that their first year in college would be an exciting time.( ) 2 I didn’t expect to experience anxiety, loneliness or homesickness before entering college.( ) 3 I didn’t dare to let anyone see me unhappy or anxious, because I thought that no one else can share my feeling.( ) 4 Gradually I found many students around me also missed their families and old friends.( ) 5 When I found many students felt as lonely and lost as I did, I was relieved.( ) 6 Now I am much different from three years ago when I was anxious and scared.( ) 7 As soon as I realized my mistakes, I became brave enough to be myself and learned to make my own decisions.( ) 8 I hope someone had told me not to have unrealistic expectations of college life at the very beginning.


A. 寒冷
B. 炎热
C. 精神活动
D. 肌肉活动
E. 进食


A. 完全静息
B. 熟睡时
C. 外界温度为20C时
D. 室温为18~25*C时
E. 进食12小时以后


A. 0.70
B. 0.75
C. 0.80
D. 0.85
E. 1.00
