

A. 对
B. 错


Passage ListeningUnusual IntervieweesListen to the passage once. Then read the following statements based on the passage. The possible answers are already offered as “Mentioned”, “Can be inferred”or “Can’t be inferred”. As you read, choose the right answers to the statements.[音频]1. A candidate who failed to finish high school had been kidnapped to Mexico.a. Mentionedb. Can be inferredc. Can’t be inferred2. The candidate who had no time for lunch didn’t have good manners.a. Mentionedb. Can be inferredc. Can’t be inferred3. The female candidate listening to music was not very serious about her interview.a. Mentionedb. Can be inferredc. Can’t be inferred4. A candidate broke an arm fighting with the interviewer.a. Mentionedb. Can be inferredc. Can’t be inferred5. The candidate who had little hair cared much for his appearance.a. Mentionedb. Can be inferredc. Can't be inferred6. All the interviewees were hired.a. Mentionedb. Can be inferredc. Can’t be inferred

引起咯血最常见的支气管 -肺部疾病是

A. 肺梗死
B. 肺寄生虫病
C. 支气管扩张
D. 慢性肺脓肿
E. 支气管非特异性炎症


A. 100ml以内
B. 100~200ml
C. 300~500ml
D. 500ml以上
E. 300ml以内


A. 出血前多有喉痒、胸闷、咳嗽
B. 血中含有泡沫、痰液
C. 多呈碱性
D. 多呈酸性
E. 多由于支气管或肺疾病引起
