
Item1-5 (p3-42)Confucius on Heaven: the Source of Everything (p2)2.This idea was later developed in The Book of Changes, as it stated “_____”. (生生之谓易change)Confusion on People: ren and li (p5-7)3. “­­_____” (父母在不远游)4. “­­_____” (己所不欲,勿施于人)


2.Laozi’s Philosophy of Non-actionNaturalness and Non-action (p12)5.“­­_____” (大巧若拙)6.Laozi proposed the view of “­­_____” (“以柔弱胜刚强”)The philosophy of non-contention (p13-17)7.Laozi said, “_____.” (“上善若水”)

3.Sunzi’s Art of War: Source for All Books on War (《孙子兵法》百代谈兵之祖The Strategic Thoughts of Sunzi (p20-23)8“­­_____” (“知己知彼,百战不殆”)9 “­­_____” (“兵以诈立”)10. “­­_____” (“不战而屈人之兵”)The Dialectical Thinking of Sunzi (利用对立因素造“势”)11.“­­_____” (“兵无常势,水无常形, 能因敌变化而取胜者,谓之神”)Sunzi’s cautions Against War (p24)12. “­­_____” (“兵者,国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道。”a matter of )

4. The Temple of Heaven: Reverence with Awe and Gratitude13. It not only presents a beautiful spectacle, _____ (也体现了众人天人和谐的追求。Pursuit of)

5.Eco-awareness in Traditional Chinese CultureThe Philosophy of ‘Life’ (p34-36)14. Zhou Dun yi (1017-1073) said, “­­_____” (“天以阳生万物,以阴成万物”)15.Zhang ZaI (1020-1077) said, “­­_____” (“民吾同胞,物吾与也”(世界上的民众都是我的亲兄弟,天地间的万物都是我的同伴。))Ecological Aesthetics (p36)16. “­­_____” (“万物之生意最可观”)。
