Which of the following questions can be used to ask for directions?
A. Excuse me, where is the closest ... ?
B. Hi, can you tell me how to get to ... ?
C. Hello, I'm looking for the nearest ... .
D. Excuse me, is there a ... around here?
Which of the following sentences can answer the question:"Excuse me, could you tell me where is the manager's office?"
A. You could take the lift over there.
B. It's on the top floor, room 1201.
C. After you walk out of the lift, just go straight ahead.
D. It's the second door on your left.
护患之间最常用的沟通技巧是( )
A. 微笑
B. 口语沟通
C. 书面语言沟通
D. 非语言沟通
E. 手语沟通
疏导性语言主要用于( )
A. 心理性疾病患者
B. 即将出院的患者
C. 刚入院的患者
D. 临终患者
下列哪项不是护理书面语言沟通的原则( )
A. 全面有效
B. 科学及时
C. 正确规范
D. 完整简洁