
听力原文:Four. What was the weather like on John's holiday?
Man 1: How was your holiday, John?
Man 2: We had a good time, but the weather was awful. We didn't have one sunny day!
Man 1: Oh dear, a week in the rain, poor you.
Man 2: Well, that's the funny thing. It never actually mined, it was just freezing cold and cloudy, we thought it might even snow.
What was the weather like on John's holiday?


听力原文:Five. What time was the woman's appointment?
Woman: I've had an awful morning! I was really late for my hospital appointment. I just missed the 9 o'clock bus, and the next one didn't come until 20 to 10. I was supposed to see the doctor at 10 past 10, but I didn't arrive until half past. He wasn't very pleased.
What time was the woman's appointment?

Tom's teacher thinks Tom is clever.

A. 正确
B. 错误

Tom believes he can manage both swimming and school work.

A. 正确
B. 错误

In Goodbye to the fields, John goes to London because

A. his parents do not like the country.
B. his father has to be close to his work.
C. his parents both come from the city.
