根据题目要求完成下列任务。用中文作答。下面是某初中教师在教学一篇有关职业的课文前的活动片段。(上课铃响,教师先让学生听一首英文歌曲,然后进行下列活动)T: How do you like this song Do you know the name of this songS1: Sorry, I don′ t know.T: It′s OK. Does anybody know the name
根据题目要求完成下列任务。用中文作答。下面是某初中课堂教学片段。T: (referring to a picture) where is John, Li LeiS 1: He has gone to Shanghai.T: How many times has he been to ShanghaiS 1: He has been to Shanghai for only once.T: (re
Which of the following shows the correct sentence stress in normal cases
A. His `brother is my `best Mend.
B. They `help one `another in their work.
C. They have `been in the `countryside recently.
D. She `thought herself `better `than `anyone else.
What rhetorical device is used in the underlined part of the sentence There was an eloquent pause after the story was told?
A. Pun
B. Simile
C. Metaphor
D. Transferred epithet