
As if this was not enough, we have fallen into the new habit of thinking our way into illness. If we take up the wrong kind of personality, we run the risk of contracting a new disease called stress, followed quickly by coronary occlusion. Or if we just sit tight and try to let the world slip by, here comes cancer, from something we ate, breathed or touched. No wonder we are a nervous lot. The word is out that if we were not surrounded and propped up by platoons of health professionals, we would drop in our tracks.
The truth is something different, in my view. There has never been a time in history when human beings in general have been statistically as healthy as the people now living in the industrial societies of the Western world. Our average life expectancy has stretched from 45 years a century ago to today's figure of around 75. More of us than ever before are living into our 80s and 90s. Dying from disease in child hood and adolescence is no longer the common occurrence that it was 100 years ago, when tuberculosis and other lethal microbial infections were the chief causes of premature death. Today, dying young is a rare and catastrophic occurrence, and when it does happen, it is usually caused by trauma.
Medicine must get some of the credit for the remarkable improvement in human health, but not all. The profession of plumbing also had much to do with the change. When sanitary engineering assured the populace of uncontaminated water, the great epidemics of typhoid fever and cholera came to an end. Even before such advances, as early as the 17th century, improvements in agriculture and nutrition had in creased people's resistance to infection.
In short we have come a long way—the longest part of that way with common sense, cleanliness and a better standard of living, but a substantial recent distance as well with medicine. We still have an agenda of lethal and incapacitating illnesses to cause us anxiety, but these shouldn't worry us to death. The diseases that used to kill off most of us early in life have been brought under control.
Nowa. days people are likely to feel that they ______.

A. are all right
B. are very tired
C. tend to be iii
D. are stressed



A. 员工Ci从Xi和Yi处接受指令
B. 员工Ci只从Yi处接受指令
C. 员工Ci只接受X1的指令
D. Xi从Yi和A处接受指令

运行下列程序: x=Input Box("input value Of x”) Select Case x Case Is>O y=y+1 Case Is=0 y=x+2 Case Else y=x+3 End Select Print x;y 运行时,从键盘输入-5,输出的结果是()。

A. -7
B. -9
C. -8
D. -10


A. 正确
B. 错误

Part A
Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)
When young people who want to be journalists ask me what subject they should study after leaving school, I tell them: "Anything except journalism or media studies.' Most veterans of my trade would say the same. It is practical advice. For obvious reasons, newspaper editors like to employ people who can bring something other than a knowledge of the media to the party that we call our work.
On The Daily Telegraph, for example, the editor of London Spy is a theologian by academic training. The obituaries editor is a philosopher. The editor of our student magazine, Juice, studied physics. As for myself, I read history, ancient and modern, at the taxpayer's expense.
I am not sure what Charles Clarke, the Education Secretary, would make of all this. If I understand him correctly, he would think that the public money spent on teaching this huge range of disciplines to the staff of The Daily Telegraph was pretty much wasted. The only academic course of which he would wholeheartedly approve in the list above would be physics—but then again, he would probably think it a terrible waste that Simon Hogg chose to edit Juice instead of designing aeroplanes or building nuclear reactors. By that, he seems to mean that everything taught at the public expense should have a direct, practical application that will benefit society and the economy.
It is extremely alarming that the man in charge of Britain's education system should think in this narrow-minded, half-witted way. The truth, of course, is that all academic disciplines benefit society and the economy, whether in a direct and obvious way or not. They teach students to think—to process information and to distinguish between what is important and unimportant, true and untrue. Above all, a country in which academic research and intelligent ideas are allowed to flourish is clearly a much more interesting, stimulating and enjoyable place than one without "ornaments", in which money and usefulness are all that count.
Mr. Clarke certainly has a point when he says that much of what is taught in Britain's universities is useless. But it is useless for a far more serious reason than that it lacks any obvious economic utility. As the extraordinarily high drop-out rate testifies, it is useless because it fails the first test of university teaching—that it should stimulate the interest of those being taught. When students themselves think that their courses are a waste of time and money, then a waste they are.
The answer is not to cut off state funding for the humanities. It is to offer short, no- nonsense vocational courses to those who want to learn a trade, and reserve university places for those who want to pursue an academic discipline. By this means, a great deal of wasted money could be saved and all students—the academic and the not-so-academic—would benefit. What Mr. Clarke seems to be proposing instead is an act of cultural vandalism that would rob Britain of all claim to be called a civilised country.
The second paragraph is meant to demonstrate that______.

A. students of other disciplines than journalism are preferred employees of newspapers
B. young people should learn other subjects than journalism after leaving school
C. veterans of the author's trade would give the same advice to puzzled youngsters
D. young people should diversify their learning subjects to be better employed
