Which of the following is true?
A.P. 's new bank became popular with poor people as soon as it was opened.
B. Ordinary people resented the idea of depositing money in a bank.
C. A.P. 's bank was exclusively for poor people.
D. At the beginning A.P. 's bank was looked down upon by other banks.
If I correct someone, I will do it with as much good humor and self-restraint as if 1 were
A. correcting
B. to correct
C. to be corrected
D. being corrected
A. 企业自用的、使用寿命确定的无形资产的摊销金额,应该根据受益对象计入相关成本或费用
B. 当无形资产的残值重新估计后高于其账面价值时,应停止摊销,直至残值降至低于账面价值时再恢复摊销
C. 无形资产无法可靠确定其预期经济利益实现方式的,不进行摊销
D. 使用寿命有限的无形资产一般应当自取得当月起开始摊销
如果有以下定义及初始化: int a=3,*p=&a; 则由此可以推断,*p的值是()。
A. 变量a的值,即3 B)
B. 变量a的地址值
C. 变量P的地址值
D. 无意义
若有以下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; int fun() { static int i=0; int s=1; s+=i; i++; return s; } int main() { int i,a=0; for(i=0;i<5;i++) a+=fun(); cout<<a<<endl; return 0; } 程序运行后,输出的结果是()。
A. 20
B. 24
C. 26
D. 15