The Japanese government insisted that the United States______Japans special position in China and help Japan gain access to raw material in Southeast Asia.
A. recognizes
B. recognized
C. should recognize
D. have recognized
A. 风湿病应卧床休息2周
B. 风湿病应卧床休息4周
C. 风湿病应卧床休息6~12周
D. 风湿病应卧床休息6个月
E. 风湿病应卧床休息4个月
A. but
B. while "
C. and
D. whereas
The contract says that if any packages______, the insurance company must be notified immediately.
A. have lost
B. should lose
C. should be lost
D. have been lost
A. 黄帝
B. 神农
C. 女娲
D. 螺祖