



A. 地层井斜、方位
B. 地区、井斜、方位
C. 磁场强度、磁偏角、井斜
D. 地区、井斜、磁偏角

If you are worried about things and are under a lot of stress at work or school,then you are probably not sleeping well.Worry can keep you awake,tossing and 26 in bed until the early hours of the morning when you eventually27asleep.When you wake up,you don’t feel 28,but tired and worn out and 29 to face a new day. Dr.Henry Winkle,in a recent newspaper article30 Stress and Sleep,31 that stress and lack of sleep are directly32.Dr.Winkle says,“the more we worry,the33 we sleep,the more we are unable to deal with34.”“If we can find a way to get a good night’S sleep,”he 35.“we can often find the36 to deal with what’S worrying US.” So,what is a good night’s sleep ? Research shows that the amount of sleep which people need in order to keep healthy37a lot.Seven hours is about the average amount,38strangely enough,sleeping longer often gives you a headache 39 0f making you feel more refreshed. Dr.Winkle believes that preparing for sleeping is important.People who work late should try to give themselves a short40and do something restful before going to bed.This could be watching TV or listening to music.Doing some exercise41in the day should help you to feel physically as well as42 tired.A bedtime drink Can also help,but coffee or tea should be avoided as they contain caffeine(咖啡因)and will keep you 43.“When you put the light 44,”Dr.Winkle says,“concentrate on relaxing your muscles.Working slowly up from your feet,and you’11 be asleep45 you know it.” 根据以上内容,回答题。

A. turning
B. rolling
C. twisting
D. rotating

南京市2004年底开展的“万人评议机关”活动结果揭晓。根据群众评议,社会各界对该市市级机关作风建设的满意率和比较满意率达到百分之九十八以上,在评议中处于末位的三个机关单位主要负责人被进行了“诫勉谈话”。这是南京市第四次开展万人规模的群众评议机关作风活动。在二00一年底进行的首次万人评议中,南京市对排名“末位”的两名局长进行了免职处理,对另外三名局长进行“诫勉谈话”,此举曾在全国引起了强烈震动。此后,该市每年年底都开展一次这样的评议活动。较之以往,此次评议充实了一些新的措施,其中包括:建立评议人信息库;改进评议人的选取办法,除市级领导干部外,全部采用随机抽样的办法产生;《评议表》的发放改变以往直接发放和回收的单一方式,采取直接发放和回收、邮寄发放和回收、委托发放和回收三种方式,增强了随机性;在“中国南京”等网站以及当地报纸上开辟评议专栏,使更多的群众有机会同步参与评议活动。据介绍,此次评议共发出《评议表》一万二千五百九十一份,回收一万二千0九十九份。评议结果表明,有近四成评议人对南京市机关作风表示满意,比较满意的超过百分之五十八,满意度与上年相比保持相对稳定。而在评议人所提的三千二百五十条具体意见中,表扬意见超过一半第一次占了多数。 思考题: 20世纪80年代初,我国开始在全国范围内推行政府部门的()

A. 岗位责任责任制
B. 政治责任制
C. 经济责任制
D. 目标责任制

