某啤酒屋2014年6月世界杯期间发生业务如下: (1)店堂点餐消费收入400000元,含销售瓶装啤酒2吨收入50000元、用自有设备现酿啤酒0.5吨收入20000元。 (2)KTV包房取得收入150000元,含观看通宵球赛包房收入80000元、零食收入40000元、瓶装啤酒1吨收入30000元。 (3)打包外卖餐饮收入100000元,含销售听装啤酒0.2吨收入6000元。 (4)当月外购食材200000元,其中部分取得增值税专用发票,注明价款80000元、税额13600元,无法区分食材的具体用途。 (其他相关资料:啤酒的消费税税率为250元/吨,娱乐业营业税税率20%,啤酒屋按小规模纳税人缴纳相关增值税) 计算啤酒屋应缴纳的消费税。
A. 正确
B. 错误
A. 非常制动
B. 常用制动
C. 全部减压
D. 局部减压
An administrator has an existing HMC and POWER6 570 connected to a network switch. The administrator is planning to install two POWER6 570s with a dedicated HMC. Which infrastructure is required for the new HMC?()
An additional switch for the new HMC
B. Asynchronous adapters on the new HMC
C. The two 570 servers are directly connected to the new HMC
D. One 570 is directly connected to the new HMC and the other is directly connected to the existing HMC