某保税物流中心(B型)企业从境外进口自用计算机、堆放货物的货架及搬运货物的叉车,按照规定,进口这些物资可予以免税。 ()
A. 直接向走私人非法收购走私进口的货物、物品的
B. 在内海、领海、界河、界湖,船舶及所载人员运输、收购、贩卖国家禁止或者限制进出境的货物、物品,或者运输、收购、贩卖依法应当缴纳税款的货物,没有合法证明的
C. 停留在设立海关的地点的进出境运输工具,未经海关同意擅自驶离的
D. 货物、物品装卸完毕,运输工具负责人未向海关递交反映实际装卸情况的交接单据和记录的
A. 好坏不分
B. 不讲原则
C. 软弱不欺
D. 一种美德
A. 编制沟通计划:确定利害关系者对于交流和沟通的要求———谁需要信息,需要什么样的信息,何时需要信息以及应该怎样将信息传递到他们手中
B. 信息收集:及时地搜集所有利害关系者所需的信息
C. 执行状况报告:收集并分发传播项目的进度信息,其中包括当前状况报告、实施情况评价和未来状况预测
D. 管理收尾:提取、收集并分发传播表示项目完成的资料
听力原文: The Bosnian Serb government says it has accepted the resignations of its interior minister and at least one other top official over riots that broke out over the rebuilding of a mosque in Banja Luka. The government says it will replace Bosnian Serb Interior Minister Perica Bundalo and Intelligence Service Director Dobrislav Planojevic. Last week, several thousand Bosnian Serb nationalists clashed with several hundred Muslims over the rebuilding of the mosque, which Serb forces destroyed in 1993 during the Bosnian conflict. The Serb nationalists trapped international dignitaries, Muslim officials and civilians inside the city's Islamic center. The rioters burned cars and buses and looted nearby buildings. At least 30 people, including police officers, were injured. The top international mediator in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Wolfgang Petritsch, has criticized Bosnian Serb authorities for their handling of the situation.
The Bosnian government says _______.
A. it has accepted the resignations of its interior minister and intelligence service director
B. it has designated a new interior minister and intelligence service director
C. it has put out the riots
D. it has been rebuilding a mosque in Banja Luka