According to the passage, "sink or swim"(Sentence 2, Paragraph 2)is______.
A. absolutely wrong.
B. partly right.
C. a good idea.
D. a proven method.
A. 计时工资
B. 计件工资
C. 津贴补贴
D. 独生子女补贴
A. 28
B. 31
C. 47
D. 63
Paragraph 4 is used in this passage to
A. illustrate the relationship between left-handers and violence.
B. indicate muses for high criminal rate in traditional society.
C. compare murder rates in different tribal regions.
D. prove left-handers' inclination to commit crimes.
Y公司2005年度盈利100万元,2005年度对以前年度的重大会计差错1 600万元采用追溯调整法减少期初留存收益,经审计,助理人员发现该重大会计差错是对以前年度的坏账准备、存货跌价准备和长期投资减值准备的补提结论,因此,数额可以确认。()
A. 正确
B. 错误