A. Method of euthanasia or disposition of animals, including planning for care of long-lived species after study completion
B. Adequacy of training and experience of personnel in the procedures used, and roles and responsibilities of the personnel involved
C. Use of hazardous materials and provision of a safe working environment
D. The costs of purchasing the animals
Main responsibilities of the personal license holder of animal use are:
A. Checking the welfare of experimental animals daily
B. Notifying the project license holder of breaches of the severity limit
C. Taking precautions as required to control severity
D. Seeking veterinary advice as required
A. Making suitable arrangements for periods of absence
B. Humane killing of protected animals at the end of procedures, if they are in severe pain or if requested by a Home Office Inspector
C. Labeling of cages or pens
D. Ensuring they have appropriate personal and project licence authorities
Mainresponsibilitiesoftheproject licenseholderofanimaluseare:
A. Overall management of the program of work
B. Directing, supervising, training and managing personal licenses working on the project
C. Ensuring compliance with the terms and conditions of the license
D. Ensuring implementation of controls on severity
A. Provisionofadviceonthehealthandwelfareofprotectedanimals
B. Notificationofthepersonallicenseholderorprovisionofcareforanimalswhosehealthgivescauseforconcern
C. ProvisionofadvicetolicenseesonthethreeRs