
The specialist is ______.

A. a man whose job is to train other people
B. a man who has been trained in more than one field
C. a man who can see the forest rather than the trees
D. a man whose concern is mainly with technique and tools


Which of the following sentences is NOT true?

A. Oral evidence was unnecessary in France because the judges and prosecutors could read.
B. When trial by ordeal was finally abandoned throughout Europe, trial by jury was introduced tn Britain.
C. In the adversarial system. it is the lawyers who play the leading roles.
D. Lawyers in Britain are prepared to lie in order to win their cases.

The forgeries were produced by the following methods EXCEPT ______.

A. making the copy as old as the original one
B. using very old wood panels
C. making the copy appear cracked and dirty
D. signing the date on the back of the original painting

It was ______ that Perrugia was arrested.

A. only when Louis Beraud arrived at the Louvre
B. after the theft as announced all over the world
C. after Valfierno had contacted him
D. about two years later

From the sentence "Like Proust. the French author whose experiences became his literary capital, man can recapture the past', you can tell that Proust ______.

A. wrote primarily to improve his future life
B. discovered things about his future life
C. described man's development of time sense
D. wrote about his past experiences
