Most, if not all, compositions/essays are made up of three parts: __________________, ____________________, and ________________.
The sentences in the following could be written as an outline from a body paragraph. One statement is the general point and the others are specific support for the point. Identify the general point.
A. Business.comprovidesmarkettradinginformation.
C. Business.comisagoodsourceofnationalandworldnews.
The sentences in the following could be written as an outline from a body paragraph. One statement is the general point and the others are specific support for the point. Identify the general point.
A. Peoplerarelytalktooneanotherthesedays.
B. Ratherthantalkingwithfamilymembers,weturntoTVorcomputers.
C. Insteadoftalkingonthetelephone,wesendtextmessages.
D. Intraveling,weignoreourcompanionstolistentomusic.
The sentences in the following could be written as an outline from a body paragraph. One statement is the general point and the others are specific support for the point. Identify the general point.
A. Teenagersgatheratmallstomeetfriends,eatfastfood,andsocialize.
B. Elderlypeopleoftenwalkamallsforexercise.
C. Mallsprovidespaceforcommunitygroupstostageevents.