
Most, if not all, compositions/essays are made up of three parts: __________________, ____________________, and ________________.



The sentences in the following could be written as an outline from a body paragraph. One statement is the general point and the others are specific support for the point. Identify the general point.

A. Business.comprovidesmarkettradinginformation.
C. Business.comisagoodsourceofnationalandworldnews.
D. Therearemanyvideoclipsandpodcastsavailableonbusiness.com.

The sentences in the following could be written as an outline from a body paragraph. One statement is the general point and the others are specific support for the point. Identify the general point.

A. Peoplerarelytalktooneanotherthesedays.
B. Ratherthantalkingwithfamilymembers,weturntoTVorcomputers.
C. Insteadoftalkingonthetelephone,wesendtextmessages.
D. Intraveling,weignoreourcompanionstolistentomusic.

The sentences in the following could be written as an outline from a body paragraph. One statement is the general point and the others are specific support for the point. Identify the general point.

A. Teenagersgatheratmallstomeetfriends,eatfastfood,andsocialize.
B. Elderlypeopleoftenwalkamallsforexercise.
C. Mallsprovidespaceforcommunitygroupstostageevents.
