For those people, we wanted to find out why they like the traditional way of reading. Many people wrote in their comments and had clear reasons for avoiding the screen like, “There’s something about curling up with a good book in one’s hands that can’t be beat” and “I spend enough time on computers at work, need a break” to “I like the feel of the pages” .: 对于这些人,我们想找出他们为什么喜欢传统的阅读方式。许多人在评论中写道,他们有明确的理由是要远离屏幕,比如“在手里拿着一本好书,蜷缩着是无法比拟的感觉”,“我在工作中花了足够的时间在电脑上,需要休息一下”就是“我喜欢享受翻着书页的感觉”。
A book a day keeps the doctor away. Isn’t that how the saying goes? Well, maybe not, but reading is definitely good for you.: 一天一本书,医生不上门。这不是俗话说的吗?嗯,也许不是,但读书对你绝对有好处。
A. 对
B. 错
Most people have read eleven or more in the last twelve months. Fiction came in first at 26 percent with mysteries and thrillers coming in at a close second (22 percent).: 小说以26%的比例排在第一位,神秘故事和惊悚片紧随其后(22%)。在过去的12个月里,大多数人读了11本或更多的书。
A. 对
B. 错
Fiction came in first at 26 percent with mysteries and thrillers coming in at a close second (22 percent). And so the face-off begins… In this corner we’ve got the printed book vs. the e-book.: 于是,对峙开始了……在这个角落里,我们看到了纸质书和电子书。小说以26%的比例排在第一位,神秘故事和惊悚片紧随其后(22%)。
A. 对
B. 错
And so the face-off begins… In this corner we’ve got the printed book vs. the e-book. Who will come out victorious?: 于是,对峙开始了……在这个角落里,我们看到了纸质书和电子书。谁会获胜?
A. 对
B. 错