The structure and function of the midbrain in the brain stem are:
A. The midbrain plays important roles in communication & in the control of the motor system, vision & hearing, & the reflexes related to visual & auditory stimuli.
B. Like the pons & medulla, all of the neurons descending to the lower brain stem, cerebellum & spinal cord & ascending to the diencephalon & cerebrum pass through the midbrain.
C. Most of these nerve fibers pass through a pair of rounded anterior structures known as the cerebral peduncles.
D. Posterior to the cerebral peduncles are nuclei, including the red nuclei & substantia nigra, which control muscle movements in the body.
A. Themostposteriorpartofthemidbrain,knownasthetectum,containstwopairsofroundedprojections:thesuperior&inferiorcolliculi.
B. The superior colliculi contain many nuclei involved in controlling the eye to produce vision, including focusing, scanning, and blinking; nerve signals that control the eye are carried by the oculomotor nerve, whose roots arise in the superior colliculi.
C. Theinferiorcolliculiplayasimilarroleforthesenseofhearingbyformingrelaysforauditorypathwaystothecerebrum.
D. Auditoryreflexes,suchasthestartlereflexinresponsetoloudsounds,areprocessedintheinferiorcolliculi.
The human midbrain contains a limbic system, which is comprised of 4 regions:
A. amygdala
B. hippocampus
C. cingulate gyrus
D. mammillary bodies
A. regulationofbodytemperature&hormones
B. establishinglong-termmemory
C. controlofwakefulness&sleepcycles
D. controlofemotionalresponse
A. Thethalamusprocesses&transmitsmovement&sensoryinformation,anditisessentiallyarelaystation,takinginsensoryinformation&thenpassingitontothecerebralcortex.
B. Itregulatesthebody'svoluntarymotorcontrol,consciousness&itssleep/wakecycle.Italsoregulatesthesensesofsight,sound,taste,touch&thesenseofwheretheperson'sbodyisinspace.
C. Damagetothissystemcanputapersonatriskforirreversiblecoma.Aninheritedconditioncausesthethalamustodegradeovertime,leadingtoinsomniathatcanprovefatal.
D. Thethalamusmayalsobeinvolvedintheregulationofsometypesofmemory.