词汇与结构The movements of flight controls are _________ to electronic signals, and flight control computers determine how to move the actuators at each control surface to provide the expected response.
A. translated
B. connected
C. transported
D. converted
词汇与结构While traditional mechanical or hydraulic control system usually fail gradually, the loss of all flight control computers could immediately _________ the aircraft uncontrollable.
A. cause
B. render
C. relay
D. hinder
词汇与结构For this reason, most fly-by-wire systems incorporate either _________ computers (triplex, quadruplex, etc.) to increase reliability, some kind of mechanical or hydraulic backup or a combination of both.
A. adequate
B. sufficient
C. redundant
D. similar
词汇与结构For this reason, most fly-by-wire systems incorporate either redundant computers to increase _________, some kind of mechanical or hydraulic backup or a combination of both.
A. ability
B. maneuverability
C. capability
D. reliability
词汇与结构The FBW controls allow the pilot freedom within the aircraft’s operating envelope, which protests against over-speeding, stalling and maintaining operation well within the aircraft’s _________ limits.
A. physical
B. mechanical
C. structural
D. electrical