
n. a person whose job is to make men's clothes; vt. to make or adapt sth. for a particular purpose, a particular person, etc.

A. throne
B. tailor
C. saint
D. technician


n. the loud noise that you hear after a flash of lightning, during a storm

A. strength
B. thunder
C. stripe
D. surgery

vt. to hang sth. from sth. else; to officially stop sth. for a time; to prevent sth. from being active, used, etc. for a time

A. solemn
B. suspend
C. swell
D. stoop

n. a particular way of doing sth. , especially one in which you have to learn special skills

A. stadium
B. technique
C. stewardess
D. thermometer

ad. used to introduce the result of the action or situation mentioned

A. sensitive
B. thereby
C. sustain
D. solemn
