The authors attitude towards the snorers is______.
A. objective
B. subjective
C. sympathetic
D. annoyed
A. 严重中毒症状
B. 体温可高达40℃
C. 白细胞计数增高
D. 胸廓饱满
E. 杵状指
If a person produces short snores, most probably he has______.
A. a soft palate
B. a big nose
C. an open mouth
D. a small throat
The snoring is caused by______.
A. the soft palate and other structures of the throat
B. the inflowing and outflowing air through the nose
C. the inflowing and outflowing air through mouth
D. the vibrations as a result of the inflowing and outflowing air
A. 谵妄
B. 烦躁不安
C. 心率加快
D. 手足抽搐
E. 高热