仁达公司2007年1月1日按每份面值1000元发行了300万份可转换债券,取得总收入 300000万元,支付发行费用5万元。该债券期限为3年,票面年利率为6%,利息于次年1月10日支付;每100份债券均可在债券发行1年后转换为80股该公司普通股,每股面值1元。公司发行该债券时,二级市场上与之类似但没有转股权的债券的市场利率为9%。假定不考虑其他相关因素。2008年4月1日某债券持有者将面值为150000万元可转换公司债券申请转换为普通股,并于当日办妥相关手续。假定未支付的应计利息不再支付。剩余债券没有转换为普通股。其中,(P/F,9%,3)=0.77218,(P/A,9%,3)=2.53130。 要求:根据上述资料,不考虑其他情况,回答下列5至7题。 下列关于转股时的会计处理,正确的有( )。
A. 股本的入账价值是120万元
B. 应转销的资本公积是11391.11万元
C. 资本公积——股本溢价的入账价值是156548.89万元
D. 转出应付债券的账面价值是134161.93万元
E. 转出应付债券的账面价值是145277.78万元
资料:某自营出口生产企业的出口货物全部为加工贸易出口,经营范围为单一产品,产品的征税率和退税率分别为17%和13%,2002年1月开始执行“免、抵、退”税政策, 2006年1~3月有关财务资料和发生的业务如下:(1)2006年1月,外购辅料l000万元,验收入库,取得准予抵扣的进项税额170万元;进料加工免税进口料件折合人民币400万元验收入库,款项均未支付;上期留抵进项税额为10万元。(2)2006年1月内销货物不含税销售额200万元;进料加工复出口货物出口销售收入折合人民币600万元(FOB,忽略佣金,下同);来料加工复出口货物工缴费收入折合人民币 100万元,上述款项均未收到。已知企业本月采购的辅料全部用于产品的生产中,无法准确划分用于免税销售业务中对应的进项税额。(3)2006年2月,进口料件一批,支付国外买价300万元,运抵我国海关前的运输费用 25万元,保险费用15万元,支付购货佣金30万元,已知该料件的关税税率为30%,料件已经报关进口,并取得海关填发的完税凭证。(料件的增值税税率为17%)(4)2006年2月,内销货物不含税销售额800万元,外销货物200万元。(5)2006年3月购进原材料一批,取得的增值税专用发票上注明的进项税额为150万元,本月领取其中的10%用于本企业的基建工程中。(6)2006年3月,将上年购进的料件发给某加工厂加工生产与本企业同类型的产品,取得增值税专用发票一张,注明的加工费为80万元,辅料为20万元,月末将其粘贴本企业的商标对外出口给进口本企业自产产品的外商,取得外销收入1000万元,同月本企业无境内销售业务。要求:根据上述资料,回答下列问题: 计算企业2006年3月份的应纳(应退)的增值税。
Pisa is an Italian city known for its Leaning Tower.The Tower, interestingly enough, started leaning in the middle of its construction — when its first three stories were completed. Bonnano Pisano, the engineer in charge, tried to correct the lean by making the new stories slightly taller on the short side, only to find that the added marble caused the Tower to sink still further. Work was suspended several times as engineers sought fresh solutions, until the Tower was finished in the 14th century, still leaning. The construction, begun in 1174, nearly took 200 years.In modern times the structure has been several times strengthened by cement, but to this day it is still in danger of collapse. Various schemes have been under consideration for saving, it. To rebuild an upright tower would be easy enough for modern engineering, but it would not be the same edifice as people love and remember it. The Leaning Tower must be left leaning, saved, not reconstructed. There is nothing really wrong with a leaning tower — after all, Galileo climbed to the top and did his experiment by throwing down weights. In the meantime, the Tower has been closed to the public since 1990. What is NOT true about the Leaning Tower()
A. It makes its city Pisa well-known.
B. Its construction took nearly 200 years.
C. Many measures have been taken to correct the lean.
D. If you go to Pisa now, you can go and visit the Leaning Tower.
Many people set themselves a limit of money each time they gamble because ______.
A. they cannot afford more
B. they do not want to lose more
C. they do not think more will do
D. they want to save more money for gambling later on
2011年7月,某小区刘某与杨某因争抢停车位而争吵,刘某对杨某破口大骂,并随手将手机砸向杨某脸部,致杨某脸部红肿。围观群众报警,派出所民警迅速赶至现场将二人带回所内,并对二人进行了批评教育。两人冷静一段时间后,均表示愿意调解处理。于是民警让其回去自行协商达成调解协议,两人达成协议,刘某向杨某赔礼道歉,并支付杨某医疗费用200元,车位问题双方共同到物业公司寻求解决。但事后刘某觉得自己的手机在争吵中也被砸坏,却还要赔杨某医疗费,实在咽不下这口气,便拒绝履行调解协议。杨某再三催促,刘某宣称他是不会赔偿的,派出所已经处理过了,无权再管了。 请问: 该事件是否属于治安案件调解的法定范围说明理由。